TCM Massage

The base of my treatments is the TCM massage - a holistic manual work with the body - a mixture of movement techniques, acupressure and various massage techniques, including meridian drawing, cupping, Gua Sha, moxibustion, laser, etc.

I work with my fingertips, ball of the thumb, palms and elbows. If carried out correctly and regularly, the massage dissolves blockages, supports our digestive and metabolic system, prevents diseases and maintains and improves the overall state of health.

TUINA - as the TCM massage is called - soothes discomfort and strengthens the body through individually coordinated grip techniques. Movement techniques loosen and activate certain body structures.

The aim is to achieve painless erect standing and freedom of movement, the release of adhesions and tensions, to eliminate external pathogenic factors such as wetness, wind, coldness and heat and improve metabolism and blood circulation.

Since I'm a firm believer in continuing our education, effective methods and grips from other forms of therapy - for example Dr. Michel Strohauer’s/Germany energetic osteopathy or elements from the fascial and connective tissue massage - also flow into our work.

The treatments are beneficial for every phase of life. For pregnant women there is a special program. The duration of a treatment is approx. 50 minutes long, in rare cases 25 minutes.

For TCM massage appointments I am available in two provinces of Austria.

Patrick Köhler

+43 664 199 88 88

About 50 minutes: € 80,-
About 25 minutes: € 40,-

About 50 minutes: € 75,-
About 25 minutes: € 40,-

Available by appointment only at all locations!

While I am working I do not answer the phone - I will reply as soon as possible if you leave me a message, send an SMS or write an e-mail with your request.

If you are not able to keep your agreed appointment, please let me know as soon as possible - at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, the missed appointment will be charged.

I expressly draw your attention to the fact that my treatments do not replace any medical or physiotherapeutic care.

Vouchers are available for the value of your choice or for a specific treatment period and they make wonderful gifts. Please contact me.

Patrick Köhler is partner with the SVS Health Hundred program. You therefore get € 100,- back from the SVS within the scope of this program, if you are self-employed and were promptly during the preventive examination.

You can find more information about the Health Hundred on the SVS website.

I use cupping to dissolve deeply profound tensions and blockages, to support the effect of the massage.

Cups made of glass or plastic are applied to the skin through vacuum. This leads to a increased blood circulation of the skin and the deeper tissue layers.

The cups remain on acupuncture points, organ zones or above painful points in the musculature for a certain time. Another technique is the so called moving cupping, where the body part to be treated is oiled and massaged with a cup.

The aim is to stimulate the metabolism, furthermore Qi and blood circulation. The vacuum can cause bruising. However, the bruises are likely to disappear within 2 to a maximum of 14 days.

Gua Sha consists of repeated scraping on oiled skin with a rounded edge (coin, horn, jade).

This procedure increases the skin’s blood circulation. It usually takes 2 to 6 days until the traces of this technique disappear.

Typically, a relief and change can be felt immediately - especially if the body has been exposed to wind and coldness (draught) prior the treatment.

Moxibustion (moxa, to moxe) describes the process of warming acupuncture points and certain body parts.

If required, I moxe with low-smoking moxa cigars and moxa lamps.

The aim is to supply with energy and heat under cold and deficient conditions.